July 2016

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Dear Friends and Family of The Harrogate Hub,

I am delighted to update you on the progress that the Harrogate Hub is making.

The Harrogate Hub Building – Giving Thanks!

As you are aware the building has three floors:

The top floor is for use by the Operations Team and needs finishing off and furnishing ready for occupation.

The middle floor is the Training Room and a place for strategic planning and church unity. It has a large conference table and is equipped with teaching resources. It will be a bookable space when we open – a place where we aim to bring in some revenue to help support the running costs of the building.

The ground floor is the Welcome Centre and continues to be a work in progress; the entrance has yet to be made accessible for all although we have been awarded a grant from AllChurches Trust to create access to the building for all abilities; the reception area is built; the decorating is to be completed. If you have a few hours to spare please come and give Phil Vaux a hand! Thank you Phil!

The Lift – A wonderful answer to prayer – the lift will be installed in September. Thank you Church House Trust for gifting the money. The Lift will connect the ground floor to the middle floor so that people of all abilities can access training and meetings.

The volunteer interior designer gets to dress the ground floor in August; Elaine has worked tirelessly seeking out quality furniture for great prices all within the colour theme of the Harrogate Hub. Thank you Elaine! Your gifts are a real blessing!

The decorating has been professionally done by volunteers coordinated by Phil Vaux from Presence church. Phil has a ministry blessing people trapped by poverty, with practical home and gardening help. People who are struggling financially receive an unconditional blessing in Jesus name! Thank you Phil. You are a blessing to the work of the Harrogate Hub! And thank you to those who have supported Phil in the decorating too! You are all a blessing!

Cleaning the plaster and dust has been one woman’s calling. Mary is a beautiful blessing, working tirelessly and joyfully! We can certainly see the impact she has made; the contrast is striking! Thank you Mary! And bless you!

The Harrogate Hub Volunteer Teams

There are many teams being developed!

  • The Operations Team consists of the Coordinator, Administrators, Business Consultants, HR Consultant, Media and Communications experts, IT database Administrators, Treasurer, Finance and Funding Team, Welcomers/Receptionists
  • The Intercessors Team – one hour of prayer takes place every Friday in the Harrogate Hub at noon. We pray for our town, the needs of our neighbours, church unity and the building of the Harrogate Hub
  • The Pastoral Care Team – there are currently 12 people on the training programme
  • The Building Team – decorators and a cleaner
  • If you would like to be part of one or more of these teams and have the skills and talents and time to progress the vision of the Harrogate Hub I would love hear from you. At the time of writing their are 31 people across ten churches in Harrogate who are generously providing their gifting in the development of the vision of the Harrogate Hub.‘Come and plug yourselves in’, says Guy D-C. ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few!’ says Jesus.

Young People Need a Champion and People with Mental Illness Need Love

  • We are seeking a team of Christian Pastoral Carers to specialise in young people’s work
  • We are seeking a team of Christian Pastoral Carers to specialise in mental ill-health issues

There will be training in the Autumn for each team. The call will be to open our doors at specific times of the week, inviting young people and people with mental ill-health to engage in pastoral support. We will be working with key partners who specialise in these areas.

If you feel God’s calling to these teams and want to know more please contact me.

A huge thank you to everyone already ‘plugged in’;  God’s blessing upon you!


The Harrogate Hub Pastoral Care

Training is underway with 12 gifted and talented people. It is a joy to spend Tuesday evenings reflecting on what is good pastoral care and what qualities are needed in a pastoral carer. Time is spent sharing and reflecting on good practice and learning from one another as well as from the materials gently facilitated by Carol, our tutor.

The team in the pictures are working together on listening skills!

Church Unity – A Movement of Mission

Pastors, Vicars and Leaders met recently at one of the two Harrogate Hub breakfasts. They were treated to fresh fruit, coffee and croissants whilst receiving a presentation of the vision of the Harrogate Hub from Rev’d Guy Donegan-Cross and a tour of the Harrogate Hub building.

The town pastors are coming together to discuss their relationship with the Harrogate Hub in this Movement of Mission.

The Church is seeking to strategically coordinate its resources in reaching out to people in our community with unmet needs; people living is isolation and loneliness, whose lives are perhaps torn apart by chaos and who are looking for a greater degree of hope and connectedness. Whilst celebrating the diversity of each church, this Movement of Mission is seizing the opportunity to be more effective in meeting the needs within our neighbourhood.

Please pray as these relationships seek to form a common purpose and work in unity, as one.


Don’t forget we are looking for people who would like to be involved in the Movement of Mission. It is a very exciting time to get connected so please contact me at  – harrogatehub@gmail.com 

Please pray as these relationships seek to form a common purpose and work in unity, as one.


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