Where it all began
Five years ago, a group of people began outlining a simple but audacious plan which could change lives throughout the Harrogate district. This collection of people, clergy, leaders and volunteers, had noticed that Harrogate for all of its beauty and abundant spa water was dry at the very core from a fundamental need – community. Their desire to investigate, and discover what was missing drove ‘Minding the Gaps’, a report looking at the unmet social needs of Harrogate. They knew that Harrogate’s reputation: a place of prosperity, where people thrive, was not matching the reality of many who crossed their paths.
This desire for community was the driving force behind the Harrogate Hub, which developed as a movement. It looked out, connecting and networking churches, organisations and businesses. By facilitating initiatives as one body, the community could benefit from the strength and resources of many. The Hub connects the dots across our community mobilising all those with willing and able hearts to work together.
The Hub now has its own building in the heart of Harrogate, a home for all where wholesome food is served to hungry bellies, authentic relationships are built and connections made through a team of volunteers on a daily basis. It now hosts a neutral space for meetings and gatherings and the ‘powerhouse’; a dedicated prayer floor for use by individuals or groups.
It’s this physical space offering a little piece of heaven and that town-wide presence and movement that inspire their work today bringing community transformation to our district.
Registered Charity No 1163939