
Some helpful resoucres to try

Daily Devotional
We encourage everyone to download Lectio 365 and use the daily devotional app personally and with your families.

24-7 Prayer
24-7 Prayer has also created more prayer resources to help us respond to coronavirus and the needs of the world in this time of crisis.

Establish a daily rhythm of prayer
Use one or all of the daily morning, midday and night prayer from the Northumbria Community.

Prayer Online
Check out our churches online page to join in with many local churches delivering prayer online.

Family Prayer
Click here for free downloadable prayer activities for families to do at home together


We strongly recommend three books by Pete Greig, one of the founders of the international 24-7 prayer movement:

How to Pray: ‘a simple guide for normal people’
God on Mute: engaging the silence of unanswered prayer
Dirty Glory: the story of the adventures of the the 24-7 Prayer movement

All three are available from Eden Christian bookshop click here