If you are unable to physically attend church right now you can still stay connected to your local church here. Each of the churches listed below have different options available including audio recordings, videos and service text.
St Andrew’s church
St Andrew’s Church Starbeck are streaming services via YouTube at 10am on Sunday and meeting on Zoom
St peter’s
St Peter’s are streaming via Facebook and Zoom weekday morning and evening prayer 8am & 5pm and Sunday Services 9am & 11am
Harrogate vineyard
Harrogate Vineyard are streaming a live service via Facebook on Sunday from 11am or you can listen again to audio recordings via their website.
St John’s & St Luke’s are streaming services via their Facebook page.
ST robert’s
St Robert’s Pannal and St Michael’s Beckwithshaw are streaming Sunday Services and Morning Prayer via YouTube.
Hope streams it’s Sunday gatherings via YouTube at 10.30-11.30am
Worship at home: A reflective service for worship in isolation. We encourage you to share in this worship at the same regular as your church service, knowing that while you are not present you are still part of the community.
Using this ‘worship at home’ text Nidd Valley Methodist circuit will live stream on Sunday’s at 10.30am through their Facebook page. They are also streaming daily prayer on Mon-Sat 8am
St Mark’s are streaming services via YouTube on Sunday at 10am and weekday prayer at midday on YouTube