Being a pastoral carer

Our pastoral carers are trained volunteers, who give up their time to welcome people into the Hub and listen to their stories. I recently had the chance to catch up with Sherry, one of our dedicated pastoral carers. She told me about her experience of volunteering at the Hub. 

Why did you get involved with the Hub?

There was a time at my church, where we were seeking a vision, and I spent time at church mediating and praying, asking God, ‘What is Church about?” As I was praying I found myself looking at a stained glass window representing Matthew 25:34-46, where Jesus talks about the importance of looking after those who are in need: “When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?… The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

It struck me powerfully that this is what the church is called to do. It’s very practical. We need to care for people and love them. I really caught this vision and wanted to see it become a reality. When I heard a talk about the Harrogate Hub, I was inspired by it. I filled in the survey they handed out, ticking nearly all of the boxes, so I could help in any way needed! (well, apart from admin!) I’m a practical person. I used to be a nurse, and I believe God uses the gifts you have, so I came for an interview at the Hub, did the pastoral care training course in July and started as a carer in November.

What is your role as pastoral carer?

As a pastoral carer, I simply listen to people. Some people just need to talk things out. And sometimes people need specific help, so we signpost other resources and services that might help them. There’s always hope to bring them out of the darkness. We want to care for people like Jesus does. As a pastoral carer, you just want to help make things better for people.

How have you found your time volunteering here so far?

It’s so good to see everybody start talking to each other and share their stories. Some people who have come to the Hub, have come back time and time again. And it’s great that some people who have received help, no longer need to come back anymore.

Interview by Ella Green, Charity Officer

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